It happened...

TPO just crossed a massive milestone!

Happy Sunday,

We’re making an unscheduled appearance in your inbox (sorry for not calling first) to share an exciting update:

The Pour Over just crossed 1 million subscribers!

That’s amazing for so many reasons, not least because we’re a news company… that thinks you should consume less news

It’s not the only thing we do differently. We write with:

  • Brevity: so that you can learn what happened and then move on

  • Levity: to remind you many things in the news don’t ultimately matter

  • Dignity: so we view every name in the headlines as an image bearer of God

TPO sticks to these opposite-the-industry editorial principles because we deeply believe that staying informed doesn’t need to make us angry and anxious; it is possible to know what’s going on in the world while reflecting the peace and hope of Christ. 

You’re proof of that. And you’re not alone.

On Friday, we launched a massive weeklong giveaway of Chick-fil-A (1+ referral = $5 gift card) and embroidered TPO sweatshirts (10+ referrals). We thought it’d take longer to reach 1M… but now it’s just a celebration of crossing the milestone early!

(Note: referrals count once the new subscriber confirms their email)

Thank you so much for reading and sharing anxiety-and-anger-free, Christ-first news!
Jason Woodruff
Founder | The Pour Over

P.S. Want to support what we’re doing? Choose to pay for TPO’s news.
P.P.S. Want to refer friends but not sure what to say? We’ve got you!

“Hey, do you read The Pour Over? It’s a 5-minute email newsletter that summarizes the biggest news of the day, is politically neutral, and written by Christians. Their welcome email explains it better than I can, but they just crossed 1 million subscribers and if you don’t like it just unsubscribe.