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President Biden announces a new ceasefire proposal for Gaza that’s endorsed by Israel, reactions to former President Trump’s historic conviction, election results from around the world, and other top news for Monday, June 3rd. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

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─────── June 3, 2024 ───────

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Psalm 27:1

T L I M L A M S; W S I F ? T L I T S O M L; O W S I B A? 
(Thanks Bible Memory Project)



A New Proposal

A ceasefire deal for Gaza is back (back, back, back) on the table. 

On Friday, President Biden announced Israel’s proposal, born from “intensive diplomacy.” 

The plan has three phases

  1. A ~6-week “full and complete” ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza’s "populated areas," and the return of a number of hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners;

  2. The return of remaining living hostages, full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, and, “as long as Hamas lives up to its commitments,” cessation of hostilities permanently;

  3. A major reconstruction plan for Gaza (backed by the U.S. and international community) and deceased hostages returned to their families.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office reiterated the importance of following the “exact outline” proposed; Hamas said it viewed the plan “positively” while calling for explicit commitments from Israel.


Verse to consider when hearing of negotiations between world leaders… “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
1 Timothy 2:1-2 (CSB) (read full passage)



Americans are (unsurprisingly) quite divided on former President Trump’s guilty verdict.

Polling in the hours after the verdict showed that 50% believed the guilty verdict was correct, and 47% thought it was politically motivated. A separate poll found that if the election were held today, 41% of eligible voters would support Biden, and 39% would support Trump—a statistical tie.

President Biden’s first statement was to defend the justicial system, calling it “reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict.”

Meanwhile, Republicans have been backing Trump. Eight GOP Senators promised to vote against all spending bills, judicial nominations, and other Democratic legislation in protest, and the Trump campaign announced it raised a record $34.8 million from small-dollar donors within hours of the verdict.


Jesus commanded his followers to love their enemies (and neighbors, fellow believers, and, well… everyone). Yes, that includes people who disagree with you on the Trump verdict.

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them… But love your enemies, do what is good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High.”
Luke 6:32, 35 (CSB) (read full passage)


End the War on Salt

Healthy hydration isn’t just about water. 

It makes sense. You lose water and sodium when you sweat, so both need to be replaced to help you sleep soundly, sharpen your focus, and improve your energy.

But most electrolyte drinks contain a bunch of sugar and sketchy ingredients you don’t need. Enter LMNT.

LMNT has enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium to get you feeling your best, and you’re guaranteed to find a flavor you love. This summer, try fan-favorites Citrus Salt or Raspberry Salt mixed into ice water or seltzer for a refreshing pick-me-up, or try the new LMNT Sparkling—a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water.

Try it out today to get a free sample pack with any drink mix order!


Elections Results

2024 isn’t just election year in the US of A, and a lot happened internationally this weekend.

Mexicans elected their first woman president, Claudia Sheinbaum. She’s the former mayor of Mexico City, shared a Nobel Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on a report on climate change, and is the Protégé of Mexico’s current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

South Africa’s ANC—the political party of Nelson Mandela—lost its majority in parliament for the first time in 30 years. Voters are upset by high unemployment, power cuts, and a rise in violent crime.

In India, the six-week general election process came to a close, and exit polls suggest that the BJP—the political party of current Prime Minister Narendra Modi—will hold onto power and elect him to a third consecutive term.


Politicians come and go, often disappointing supporters and opponents alike. Put your hope in the Lord, who has no term limit, who rules with compassion, and who executes justice perfectly.

“But the Lord sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for judgment. And he judges the world with righteousness; he executes judgment on the nations with fairness. The Lord is a refuge for the persecuted, a refuge in times of trouble.”
Psalm 9:7–9 (CSB) (read full passage)


President Biden has reportedly authorized Ukraine to use American weapons to strike inside Russian territory, but only for the purpose of defending Kharkiv (Ukraine’s second-largest city, which sits near the Russian border). It’s a significant reversal; the administration has previously feared such action could escalate the war by getting the U.S. more directly involved

The Green Mountain State hopes to get even greener. On Thursday, Vermont became the first state to require oil firms to pay for climate damages; officials will assess total environmental costs from 1995-2024 before sending individual polluters a bill. Governor Scott (R) allowed the act to pass without his signature, voicing concerns about taking on “Big Oil” alone in a major legal battle.

Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify before the House’s GOP-led Coronavirus Subcommittee today (watch live here) on the heels of newly released transcripts from Fauci’s two-day interview with the subcommittee in January. The subcommittee is investigating COVID-19, “pandemic-era domestic policy failures,” and alleged misconduct during Fauci’s time as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. 

Stop us if you’ve heard this one… Boeing had a setback. On Saturday, with ~4 minutes until liftoff, a computer issue nixed the company’s first crewed launch of its Starliner spacecraft. It’s just the latest in years of delays for the Starliner program. Boeing will try again—as soon as Wednesday—to deliver two astronauts to the International Space Station.

The NBA Finals are set. Beginning Thursday in Boston, the 17-time champion Celtics will take on the Dallas Mavericks, who are looking to add to their one-trophy collection. The Celtics swept the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Finals, while the Mavericks needed five games to dispatch the Minnesota Timberwolves. The Celtics won both head-to-head matchups with the Mavericks this season.




How We’re Tripling Our Impact
Donating to Help The Persecuted*

Around the world, many Christians lose everything by saying, "I believe in Jesus Christ."

Help The Persecuted exists so that they don’t have to bear the burden of persecution alone. 

Their on-the-ground Field Ministers in 13 countries give tangible hope to the Christians fleeing homes, losing jobs, or facing physical threats because of their faith. Believers are… 

  • Rescued with emergency evacuations, safe houses, and medical care

  • Restored with food, housing, and pastoral counseling

  • Rebuilt with dignified work pathways and long-term discipleship

Partner with Help The Persecuted this month to triple your impact with their June match and The Pour Over’s $1,000 donation match.

On a list of what defines you, where does your political identity rank?

We think Jesus would rank it pretty low—David French, Russell Moore, and Curtis Chang agree. These Christian thought leaders encourage us to focus less on what policy, party, or candidate is the “most Christian" and more on how we relate to others — including those we might disagree with— to better reflect Jesus.

Their free video series helps explain how we got into this mess, what we can learn from politics in Jesus’ time, and how to chart a path forward with hope & humility.

It’s designed for people who know there’s a better way to “do politics.” Check out the free course.

*This is a sponsored post



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