Elephants in the Room (B)

Former President Trump picks Senator JD Vance as his running mate, Trump’s classified documents case is dismissed, the investigation into the would-be assassin, and other top news for Wednesday, July 17th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

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─────── July 17, 2024 ───────

Happy Wednesday!
We’re continuing our series explaining major election topics and candidates’ stances. Today, we’re tackling what is consistently voters' #1 issue… inflation/ the economy.

“Oh yes, the heart is deceptive. And that calls for humility above all else, because my heart isn’t deceptive because it fools other people. It’s deceptive because it fools me.”
Brant Hansen



Elephants in the Room

On Monday night, former President Trump made his first public appearance since Saturday’s assassination attempt.

After delegates officially nominated him, Trump arrived at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee with a bandaged ear, taking his seat next to the man he’d named as his running mate just hours before: Ohio Senator JD Vance.

Vance, a 39-year-old Marine veteran and Yale Law graduate from working-class Appalachia, is the first millennial to run on a major party ticket. Author of bestselling memoir Hillbilly Elegy, Vance worked in tech and finance before entering the Senate in 2023. In 2016, he was an outspoken “never Trumper” but says he realized their policies aligned despite “stylistic” differences.

Also arriving in Trump’s camp: Elon Musk, who endorsed the former president and pledged $45 million/month to a pro-Trump Super PAC.


The names on the ballot may feel monumental, but will you remember them in 1,000 years? Viewing our lives from an eternal perspective doesn’t mean we stop caring, but it reminds us to keep our focus on Christ and live as citizens of his kingdom.  

“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief; on that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved, and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed. Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, it is clear what sort of people you should be in holy conduct and godliness as you wait for the day of God and hasten its coming.”
2 Peter 3:10-12 (CSB) (read full passage)


Case Dismissed

Former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago classified documents case has been dismissed.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon—a Trump appointee—issued the surprise 93-page ruling on Monday. She did not weigh in on the merits of the case, instead ruling that Special Counsel Jack Smith (and all special counsels before him) was illegally appointed; Cannon asserts that the Constitution doesn’t permit the attorney general to appoint a private citizen to such an office without Senate approval.

Smith’s office has indicated that they will appeal the ruling, saying it “deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts.” Even if the appeal is successful, the timing all but guarantees the case won’t go to trial before the election.

It’s a major win for the former President, whose own legal team viewed the classified documents as the strongest case against him.


We shouldn't allow political or judicial outcomes to consume our thoughts, direct our emotions, or dull our hope. No matter what happens today or tomorrow, our mission remains the same: love God and love others. 

“Jesus answered, “The most important [commandment] is ‘Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other command greater than these.”
Mark 12:29-31 (CSB) (read full passage)


Fighting Goliath(s)

The news shapes us more than we realize, and the more people consume, the more like their news source they become.

That’s scary. We want Christians to become more like Christ, not Fox or CNN.

TPO is designed to help people stay informed without losing their focus on Christ, and it’s working (500,000+ readers)! We just still have so far to go. We’re not fighting against one Goliath, but multiple; they’re massive news organizations that want viewers to become angry, fearful, and hateful. 

People are seeing the problem more clearly than ever in 2024, and looking for an alternative. 

Help us reach them by choosing to pay for The Pour Over. This is totally optional. TPO is free, but you can choose to pay $49/year or get a recently discounted Lifetime Membership for $149 (one-time payment)

Thanks for helping us fight to keep Christians focused on Christ, even when reading the news.


What Happened?

Investigations into Saturday’s almost assassination are in full swing.

There’s still no clear motive. The 20-year-old shooter was a registered Republican who once made a $15 donation to a Democratic-aligned group, but interviews with family and searches of his devices have not revealed any strongly held political beliefs.

Meanwhile, Secret Service and local police disagree over who was supposed to secure the rooftop he was on. The shooter was reportedly seen on the roof nearly 30 minutes before firing, and bystanders pointed him out to local law enforcement. An officer lifted up onto the roof but dropped down when the gunman turned his weapon on him. The shooter took multiple shots at former President Trump moments later.

In the wake of the attack, President Biden approved Secret Service protection of independent presidential candidate RFK Jr.

(We’re also covering the assassination attempt on Thursday in Decaf. Decaf is The Pour Over for Families. Sign up—for free—here.)


Christians have hope in the face of a violent world. Jesus, who himself did no violence, bore the punishment for our sins so that we can live in the Lord’s peaceful presence forever. 

“Yet he himself bore our sicknesses, and he carried our pains; but we in turn regarded him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds.”
Isaiah 53:4-5 (CSB) (read full passage)


Houston, we have a… cave? An Italian-led team of scientists has confirmed evidence of at least 200 lunar caves,including one found just 250 miles from Apollo 11's landing site. Scientists estimate some moon caves are at least 130 feet wide, 30 feet long, and could be used to shelter future astronaut/cavemen.

Crowd control issues at the Copa America final in Miami on Sunday led to the ejection of 55 people and the arrest of nearly 30, including Colombia’s soccer federation president and his son. The match was delayed an hour as authorities juggled the chaos. Reigning World Cup champs, Argentina ultimately defeated Colombia 1-0, with a goal in the 112th minute.

A rate cut is (almost definitely) coming. This week, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank will not wait until inflation hits 2% to begin cutting rates due to the “long and variable lags” for policy to take effect. After that statement, traders are predicting a 100% chance of a rate cut in September.

The House of Mouse has been breached. An activist hacking group claims to have released 1.2 terabytes of Disney’s internal messaging, exposing computer code and unreleased project details. The group says its 'hacktivism' is to protect artists' rights and compensation for their work. Mickey hasn’t officially verified the released data but "is investigating this matter."

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was found guilty of acting as a foreign agent yesterday. Federal prosecutors outlined evidence of the senator accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes—cash, cars, gold bars—in exchange for throwing his political weight around. Menendez faces decades in prison, and Senate Majority Leader Schumer called for his immediate resignation. Menendez has promised to appeal the verdict.


How far can you (casually) jump…?


What We’re Drinking

Ah, summer. Farmers Markets, music festivals, barbecues, and…sweating.

I love to run, but I don’t love the hammy cramps, heavy legs, and mental fog caused by an electrolyte deficiency. Enter LMNT. I drink half of an LMNT before my run to fuel up and finish it right afterward to replenish. Plus, their drink mix flavors are approved by the world’s most honest sip-sneakers, my toddlers.

Whether you’re running, pickleballing, or just summering, you need LMNT. TPO readers get eight single-serve packs free with any purchase, and make sure to try LMNT Sparkling—16 ounces of sparkling, refreshing electrolyte water.

Nate Wells | Head of Business

How We’re Traveling More Safely
With Surfshark One*

Have you ever considered how much of your data is “out there” while you’re traveling? On just one trip, you may…

  • Use your IP address and email to log in to hotel or airport WiFi

  • Link your streaming accounts to an Airbnb TV

  • Plug your phone into a compromised charging station

  • Use your credit or debit card…a lot

That’s a lot to leave to chance. Surfshark One is a one-stop solution for keeping your digital self safe at home, abroad, and everywhere in between. It offers a full array of security features, including VPN, Antivirus, Alert, Search, and Alternative ID.  

Get Surfshark One today and rest easier—even in hotel beds—knowing your online identity is safer. TPO readers get 80% off and three extra months with this link.

*This is a sponsored post


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