Hatched a Plan

World leaders address major wars, May’s inflation report, Southern Baptists vote to oppose IVF, and other top news for Friday, June 14th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

Read Time: 5 min 59 sec | Listen to Podcast

─────── June 14, 2024 ───────

Happy Friday!
Hotdog inhaling champion Joey Chestnut is banned from this year’s July 4th Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Competition after signing an endorsement deal with a competitor.

Don’t worry, Netflix pounced on America’s disappointment, quickly announcing it would air “Unfinished Beef”—a competition between Chestnut and his rival Kobayashi—live on Labor Day.

“The central basis of Christian assurance is not how much our hearts are set on God, but how unshakably his heart is set on us.”
Tim Keller



When in Rome Apulia

World conflicts weigh heavily as G7 leaders meet in Italy.

For its 50th summit, the group of wealthy democracies has hatched a plan to leverage Russian funds for Ukraine’s resistance effort. Uncle Sam will back a $50B loan to Kyiv, funded by interest earned on the ~$300B in frozen Russian assets held in EU nations. President Biden also signed a security agreement signaling America’s “resolve” to support Ukraine (without committing troops).

Meanwhile, an Israel/Hamas ceasefire remains elusive. Secretary of State Blinken questioned whether Hamas is dealing “in good faith,” saying they’re demanding changes on previously accepted terms. Hamas, in turn, questioned why Blinken insists Israel has approved the proposal when Israel won’t say so publicly.

That war risks expanding. Israel killed a top Hezbollah commander in Lebanon; Hezbollah fired back at Israel’s north with over 200 rockets

Join us in prayer for long-term peace, confident that God is able to spread across the globe the peace that he has given to those who trust him (Isaiah 26:3). 

“Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed: Kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all people the true love of peace, and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility your kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” 
Book of Common Prayer, page 654


Cost of Living

Inflation is mellowing out… but remains too high for the Fed and many Americans.

The consumer price index held flat at 3.3% in May, meaning prices were 3.3% higher than a year prior. Inflation has been hovering between 3.1% and 3.5% since October—well below its peak of 9.1% in June 2022 but stubbornly higher than the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%.

Blame housing. While grocery prices were only up 1%, the cost of a primary residence (the largest expense for most Americans) rose 5.3%. Juice drinkers are also being hit hard; juice prices are up 19.5%.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell was pleased but unmoved, saying inflation is “still too high” to justify cutting interest rates. The central bank is now projecting only one rate cut in 2024.


Regardless of whether the broader economy is struggling or thriving, Christians should seek to give generously of our time, talents, and resources to those in greater need. Reach out to your local church to see where help is needed.

“Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices.”
Hebrews 13:16 (CSB) (read full passage)


Banking on Jesus

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SBC Votes

At its annual meeting Wednesday, the Southern Baptist Convention—the largest Protestant denomination—approved a resolution opposing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The resolution does not call for a ban on IVF but laments the creation of surplus embryos, which often means “destruction of embryonic human life” (affirming that life begins at fertilization). Delegates expressed sympathy for those “who experience the searing pain of infertility” while urging Baptists to weigh the technology’s ethical consequences and to adopt surplus embryos that would otherwise be destroyed.

The move puts the SBC in step with the Catholic Church and Alabama’s recent SCOTUS ruling that frozen embryos have full human rights. IVF technology is expected to feature in election-season policy debates.

Earlier in the meeting, a vote narrowly fell short of the ⅔ majority needed to ban women from pastoral roles.


Discussing controversial issues can lead to strained relationships and hurt feelings. Christians can demonstrate God’s love by showing understanding, compassion, and understanding as we engage with others, even as we seek to be faithful to God’s word. 

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.”
Colossians 4:6 (CSB) (read full passage)


The gavel has dropped: the abortion pill mifepristone will remain widely available. Yesterday, the Supreme Court unanimously threw out a challenge brought by a group of doctors who oppose abortion, saying they did not have legal standing to challenge the FDA’s decision to ease restrictions on the pill (e.g., making it available by mail).

Eleven weeks after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed, the Port of Baltimore fully reopened on Wednesday. Cleaning up the 50,000 tons of concrete and steel from the Patapsco River cost roughly $100 million—rebuilding the bridge could cost $2 billion. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg celebrated the milestone, announcing, “The channel is open.”

The House voted along party lines to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to release audio of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur, who characterized the President as an “elderly man with a poor memory” while investigating his handling of classified documents. Garland said the audio was unnecessary, given that the entire transcript is public.

Five counties in southern Florida are under a state of emergency (and lots of water). Tropical storms have slammed the Sunshine State for three consecutive days, dumping ~10 inches of rain per day and causing flash flooding from Fort Lauderdale to Miami. Two people have died, seven million remain under flood watches, and thousands are without power as the deluge continues.

You’ve seen Jerry West, even if you didn’t know it: his silhouette is the iconic NBA logo. West, a Hall of Famer and Olympic Champion, died on Wednesday at the age of 86. After a prolific on-court career, West managed the Lakers to six NBA titles with players including Magic Johnson, Shaq, and Kobe. Tributes to “the Logo” have poured in.


Cruising out of the port of Miami…



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What We’re Drinking

I’ve always been a bit… scrawny. I swam in high school and started running in college, so my New Year's Resolution for 2024 was to hit the weights and #bulk.

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*This is a sponsored post



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