Hope for Bridges

What to expect from this week’s Democratic National Convention; VP Harris’ first major policy proposal; developments from Russia and Gaza; and other top news for Monday, August 19th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

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─────── August 19, 2024 ───────

Anyone hungry?
We’re in the middle of giving away Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Just get 2+ referrals before Wednesday’s email, and we’ll send you a $5 gift card. 

Deliciousness is just one group text away.

“Evil labors with vast power and perpetual success—in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in.”
J.R.R. Tolkien



From the Windy City

The Democratic National Convention kicks off today in Chicago.

Party organizers have been updating the programming and swapping out the “Biden-Harris” signage for “Harris-Walz.” Following a summer of division amongst Democrats over then-candidate Biden, the party plans to focus on unifying behind Harris with a convention theme of “For the People, For Our Future.” 

President Biden is speaking tonight, former President Obama tomorrow, former President Clinton & VP nominee Walz on Wednesday, and VP Harris will close out the week on Thursday. Events will be streamed on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok in an effort to reach younger voters.

Meanwhile, Chicago police are expecting tens of thousands of protestors outside the convention bearing signs about abortion rights, economic injustice, and (primarily) the war in Gaza. Protest organizers want the U.S. to cut off aid to Israel.


The names on the ballot this election may feel monumental, but in the scope of eternity, they’re but a speck of dust. Viewing our lives in light of eternity doesn’t mean we don’t care about present issues, but it reminds us to keep our focus on Christ and live as citizens of his kingdom.  

“But the day of the Lord will come like a thief; on that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved, and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed. Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, it is clear what sort of people you should be in holy conduct and godliness as you wait for the day of God and hasten its coming.”
2 Peter 3:10-12 (CSB) (read full passage)


Policy and Politics

On Friday, VP Harris unveiled her economic plan

It’s her first major policy proposal and includes: millions of new starter homes, $25,000 downpayment assistance for some first-time homebuyers, raising child tax credits ($3,600 per child per year, $6,000 for newborns), and––most controversially––a ban on price gouging for food producers and grocers.

An editorial in the typically Harris-friendly Washington Post said it’s “hard to exaggerate how bad” the anti-price-gouging policy is, while Former President Trump compared the plan to “SOVIET style price controls.”

Trump also took some heat Friday after saying receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom (highest civilian award) is “much better” than receiving the Medal of Honor (highest military award) because soldiers who get it are “in bad shape” or dead. Trump’s campaign said the comments were misconstrued.


Politicians come and go, often disappointing supporters and opponents alike. Put your hope in the Lord, who has no term limit, who rules with compassion, and who executes justice perfectly. 

“But the Lord sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for judgment. And he judges the world with righteousness; he executes judgment on the nations with fairness. The Lord is a refuge for the persecuted, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you because you have not abandoned those who seek you, Lord.”
Psalm 9:7–10 (CSB) (read full passage)


“Can I Have Your Number?”

Everybody wants your number(s). But even giving it to Darrell would be preferable to allowing companies to use and sell your SSN, address, phone number, shopping habits, and even medical records online.

Protect your data from prying eyes with Incogni. Incogni wipes your sensitive info from the web, keeping it out of the spammy hands of 180+ data brokers and people search sites to reduce scams, fraud, and identity theft and keep you safe. 

Can they have our numbers? That’s an easy no with Incogni. Incogni is offering TPO readers a spam-busting 55% off with code TPO55. Keep your number(s) away from people who are more than just annoying you in a movie theater.


Give and Take

Ukraine’s burning bridges with Russia, but there’s hope for bridges between Israel and Gaza.

Over the weekend, President Zelenskyy’s forces downed two key Kursk-region bridges to disrupt Russian supply lines, pressed further into Putin’s territory, and reportedly captured 100+ Russian soldiers to replenish Ukraine’s “exchange fund.” Still, Russia’s forces are making their own progress in Ukraine’s east; they’re marching steadily toward Pokrovsk, a key logistics hub for Ukraine. 

Ukraine’s surprise offensive apparently derailed secret talks between the nations to stop targeting energy and power infrastructure, a limited ceasefire that negotiators hoped would lead to a comprehensive one.

Meanwhile, mediators in Qatar are still working on a last-ditch “bridge proposal” to bring Israel and Hamas nearer to a ceasefire and hostage release deal. Friday, President Biden said negotiations were “far from over” but “much, much closer.”


Verse to consider whether you’re negotiating from a position of strength or weakness… “Now I know that the LORD gives victory to his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with mighty victories from his right hand. Some take pride in chariots, and others in horses, but we take pride in the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand firm.” 
Psalm 20:6-8 (CSB) (read full passage)


Hackers might have stolen the Social Security Numbers of… every American. According to a recent class-action lawsuit, National Public Data—which aggregates data for background checks—was breached in April, putting 2.9 billion records (names, SSNs, birthdays, and emails) into hackers’ hands. The company confirmed the breach, and authorities are investigating. Learn if you were impacted (and what to do) here.

Medicare has negotiated down the price of 10 common medications, including diabetes drugs and blood thinners. The Biden administration says the price reductions (which range from 38%-79%) will save taxpayers $6 billion and Medicare recipients $1.5 billion; the new prices kick in on January 1, 2026. Price negotiations on another 15 drugs are set to begin next year.

Ewww Yay David!” Eugene Levy and son Dan will become the first father-son duo to ever host the Emmys. The Canadian co-creators of Schitt’s Creek, which pulled off a historic sweep of the comedy category in the 2020 Emmys, will emcee ABC’s September 15 broadcast. Eugene himself is up for an Emmy for the Apple TV+ series The Reluctant Traveler

People in India are protesting after a young female doctor trainee was raped and murdered at a Kolkata medical college last week. Hospitals have turned away non-emergency patients as 1+ million doctors were expected to join a 24-hour strike demanding increased security and “safe spaces for women” at hospitals. Protests began August 9th, intensifying as more incidents of assault made headlines.

NBC announced a daily average of 30.6 million Americans watched the Olympics, way up from the 2020 2021 Tokyo Games (16.9 million). NBC saw a surge in viewership on its streaming platform, Peacock, and increased interest in women’s sports (even without Caitlin Clark); 35 million Americans watched Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky, and Sha’Carri Richardson win medals.




Where Hope Is Needed
Inside prisons*

Bibles are desperately needed inside America’s prisons.

Prison Fellowship believes every person is made in God’s image and no one is beyond his reach. As you read this, many prisoners are struggling with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and despair. For nearly 50 years, Prison Fellowship has been delivering eternal hope inside prisons and equipping churches to minister to the incarcerated and their families.

Right now, the demand for Bibles and Christian content inside prisons is at an all-time high. We’re asking the TPO Community to step up and help fill this need; we’re matching the first $1,000 given through our link.

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With Roots*

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*Information contained herein, although believed accurate and compiled from credible sources, is not guaranteed.  There can be no assurance the business objectives of the Company will be achieved. Investors may lose all or part of their investment and distributions with respect to such investment are not guaranteed. Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

*This is a sponsored post



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