Revised (Down)

The U.S. economy added fewer jobs than previously reported; the final two nights of the DNC in Chicago; speculation that Independent presidential candidate RFK Jr. will drop out; and other top news for Friday, August 23rd. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

Read Time: 5 min 56 sec | Listen to Podcast

─────── August 23, 2024 ───────

Happy… Fall?
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back earlier than ever, a full 31 days before the official start of the season. There’s nothing like a warm pumpkin beverage on a hot summer day!

Speaking of hot summers… if you’re in the Iowa City area, task-oriented, and would like to join TPO’s staff, we’re hiring an Administrative Lead. Apply here!

“We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is war.”
John Piper



Revised (Down)

Uncle Sam’s labor market isn’t as hot as he thought.

On Wednesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised its numbers to show the U.S. added 2.1 million jobs from April 2023 to March 2024… 818,000 fewer than the 2.9 million jobs it previously reported. Annual revisions typically move the jobs number by ~173,000 jobs (up or down); this is the largest downward revision since 2009.

Republicans saw the revision as evidence that Democrats have been misrepresenting the economy’s health, while the White House said it “doesn’t change” that the Biden Administration has overseen a “strong jobs recovery.”

For investors, it solidifies next month’s expected interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve. Investors see a 75% chance rates are cut by 0.25 percentage points and a 25% chance they’re cut by more.


Whether the economy thrives or collapses, God is good and in control. In the midst of uncertainty on earth, set your hope on the abundance we will enjoy with Christ when he comes. 

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.” 
1 Peter 1:3-4 (CSB) (read full passage)


Closing Out Chicago

The DNC wrapped up last night in Chicago. 

Wednesday’s evening from the United Center featured a surprise speaker, famous Chicagoan Oprah Winfrey, who called on “independents” and “undecideds” to vote for Harris. Other speakers included former President Bill Clinton (it was his 13th DNC), the parents of a hostage held by Hamas, and Governor “Coach” Walz, who leaned into football metaphors while talking about his pre-politics life and accepting the VP nomination.

A few thousand people protested the war in Gaza outside each day––far fewer than the tens of thousands Chicago PD had braced for––and roughly 75 were arrested.

The four-day spectacle ended last night with speeches from Governors Whitmer (MI) and Cooper (NC), a performance by P!NK, and the main event: VP Harris officially accepting the nomination.


Verse to consider as you watch a parade of politicians… “Then I saw heaven opened, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and with justice he judges and makes war… And he has a name written on his robe and on his thigh: King of kings and Lord of lords.”
Revelation 19:11, 16 (CSB) (read full passage)


Investing in the Lithium Boom

Did you know it takes 10,000 iPhone batteries worth of lithium to make one electric vehicle (EV) battery pack? With 350m+ EVs projected to be sold globally by 2030, lithium demand is looking steep. 

Current extraction methods—which involve waiting for liquids pulled from Earth’s surface to evaporate—are too inefficient to keep up with forecasted demand. But EnergyX’s technology can extract 300% more lithium than traditional methods.

Investors are taking note. EnergyX has $100M+ of investments from General Motors and others, plus a $5M grant from the Department of Energy for its just-announced U.S. lithium plant.

They’re accepting new shareholders for a limited time; learn more about becoming an EnergyX shareholder today.

Disclosure: This is a paid advertisement for EnergyX's Regulation A+ Offering. Please read the offering circular at Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Investing involves risk.


Weighing Options

Recent interviews have sparked speculation that RFK Jr. will drop out of the presidential race soon.

On Tuesday, his running mate Nicole Shanahan said their campaign—which is low on cash and sliding in the polls—was looking at two options: staying and running “the risk” of a Harris/Walz presidency or walking away to “join forces with Donald Trump.” Following the interview, Kennedy said on X that he was “willing to talk” with leaders of any political party to further his goals.

Former President Trump said he’d “be honored” by Kennedy’s endorsement and “be open” to RFK Jr. playing a role in his administration. Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, later clarified that the endorsement and a potential cabinet position are “completely separate.” 

Kennedy plans to address his “path forward” at a Phoenix, AZ, rally later today.


No matter your candidate of choice’s position on the ballot or in a poll, keep your hope anchored to the truth that Jesus is our King and Heaven is our home. 

“‘My kingdom is not of this world,’ said Jesus. ‘If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I wouldn’t be handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.’”
John 18:36 (CSB) (read full passage)


Ukraine attacked Moscow on Wednesday in one of the largest-ever drone strikes on Russia’s capital. Russian officials said at least 11 drones were shot down over Moscow and nearly 35 more across other regions. Meanwhile, intense battles continue along the front in Russia’s Kursk region, where Ukraine has carved out ~175 square miles.

Chick-fil-A and chill? The chicken sandwich shop is reportedly creating its own streaming platform with a focus on family-friendly reality TV shows (no word yet if you’ll be forcibly logged out on Sundays). In a more expected innovation, Chick-fil-A opened their first “elevated drive-thru” yesterday, featuring a “unique meal transport system” capable of serving 2-3x more vehicles. 

One person is still missing after a superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily on Monday. British tech mogul Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter are believed to be among five bodies already recovered. Italian authorities are questioning the survivors (15 crew and passengers managed to escape) as they seek to understand how the state-of-the-art vessel sank in minutes.

Ford is pumping the brakes on all-electric and putting the pedal to the metal on hybrids. In response to lower EV demand and high production costs, the Model T maker is axing its all-electric three-row SUV and delaying a new EV plant. Instead, Ford will prioritize a hybrid SUV and focus its EV energy on commercial vehicles. Its stock climbed 3%.

The world’s oldest person has died. Maria Branyas Morera, a U.S.-born Spaniard, died at age 117 and 168 days. Born in 1907, she credited her longevity to avoiding “toxic people” along with “luck and good genetics.” There are now seven known living people over 110—all women, sorry, fellas—with Japan’s Tomiko Itooka assuming the oldest living person crown at 116.




How We’re Searching the Interwebs

Do you trust your search engine to answer your election questions? There’s a simple way to get the information you need while protecting your family from the worst parts of the internet.

Freespoke is a search engine that does a few important things differently:

  • News results show all perspectives with media biases labeled (left, middle, right)

  • Their new election page delivers news, stats, and commentary from all viewpoints

  • No adult content—they’re a partner in protecting families from obscene content

Plus, when you search “The Pour Over,” we’re the top result (not some coffee brewing method), and that search is kept private.

Try searching on Freespoke and search beyond the bias.

What We’re Subscribed To
Brad’s Deals*

Yeah, you probably use Amazon… but do you actually use Amazon?

Brad (yep, he’s a real guy) was a broke college student finding cheaper ways to shop and sharing them with his friends. And thus… Brad’s Deals was born. Brad’s Deals cracks open the lid on a Pandora’s box of deals you probably knew nothing about. You can maximize the value of your Amazon Prime Membership by uncovering 10 lesser-known benefits that can transform your shopping, streaming, and saving experience.

Get all the deals from Brad’s Deals by signing up for free with your email address. Happy back-to-school shopping!

*This is a sponsored post



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