Still Looking For a Deal

University protests ending while others escalate, the latest cease-fire proposal between Israel and Hamas, controversial updates to what qualifies as “discrimination,” a Lion King prequel, and other top news for Wednesday, May 1st. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

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─────── May 1, 2024 ───────

Happy Wednesday!
It seems Millennials and Gen Z have stopped buying “too much avocado toast.” Household wealth of under-40s grew a whopping 49% since 2019, far outpacing older generations. 

Millennials still have less (inflation-adjusted) money than previous generations did at their age, but the gap is closing.

“Leave nothing unsettled that is eternal. Run no risk when your soul is at stake.”
J.C. Ryle



On Campus

Student protests are still in session, and universities are taking different approaches.

Northwestern University and Brown University have both reached deals with protestors, agreeing to allow some level of student input on University investments in companies that support Israel in exchange for ending campus encampments. The University of Texas at Austin had officers in riot gear forcibly removed protestors again on Monday, making another 40 arrests.

Columbia and Yale issued warnings that students would face suspension unless they disbanded. Yale’s encampment dissipated; Columbia’s… did not. The tent encampment remains, and 40 protestors have now seized Hamilton Hall — those students are facing expulsion. 

Columbia is also seeing counterprotests, students waving Israeli flags and signs that read “Where are the anti-Hamas chants?” One Jewish student has sued the university for failing to provide a safe learning environment.

(We’re also covering these protests this Thursday in Decaf. Decaf is The Pour Over for Families. Sign up (for free) here.)


Culturally hot topics like campus protests frequently make people think, speak, and act poorly… including us. We can respect others and represent God better if we are quick to listen and slow to speak.

“My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for human anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness.”
James 1:19-20 (CSB)


Still Looking For a Deal

Israel and Hamas could (again) be on the verge of a cease-fire.

While on his seventh Middle East trip since the October 7 attack, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken urged Hamas to accept an “extraordinarily generous” offer. As part of the deal, Israel will receive 33 hostages (40 were previously requested) in exchange for a 40-day cease-fire and the release of ~900 Palestinian prisoners. 

Blinken also reiterated that Israel must do more to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is reportedly preparing to issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials — a move Israel says would be a “morale boost” for Hamas. Don’t expect anyone to head behind bars; neither the U.S. nor Israel recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction (though much of Europe does).

(Want to know more about the ICC? Check out our post here.)


War and the evil it exposes are a terrible reminder that the world is not as it should be. Seek peace where you are and trust that the Lord will end all war in his perfect timing. 

“If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone… Do not avenge yourselves… because it is written: ‘Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,’ says the Lord... Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.”
Romans 12:18–21 (CSB)


Talking Politics

Pulse check: How well are we Christians doing at “talking politics?” 

We’ll just assume you answered how we did: “Oh gosh. Horrible. I’m both embarrassed and part of the problem.”

The folks at The After Party envision a future with fewer shouting matches and less looking away when “that friend” with “that yard sign” walks past. Their free 6-part video course shows us how to get there.

In it, you’ll learn about the politics of Jesus’ day (hint: they were ugly) and what Jesus has to say about the path to better Christian politics (hint: it starts with reordering our priorities). It’s worth your time. Check out The After Party’s free course.


Polarizing Policies

The federal government is making some controversial updates to what qualifies as “discrimination” in offices and classrooms.

Monday, in a 3-2 vote along party lines, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated its enforcement guidance. The federal agency says employers who won’t use preferred pronouns, disallow bathroom use according to gender identity, and discriminate based on employees’ abortion or contraception decisions violate harassment laws. 

Earlier this month, the Education Department finalized new Title IX rules prohibiting discrimination based on “gender identity.” Under the new school rules, “misgendering” and prohibition of gender-identity-aligned bathroom use qualify as discrimination.

Both changes are facing pushback, mostly from conservatives. Nine red states sued the Biden Administration Monday to block the Title IX rules scheduled to take effect in August, saying they’re illegal and put young girls and women at risk. 


When discussing divisive topics such as gender identity and abortion, remember that both your position and your posture reflect on Christ. That means humbly loving and caring for transgender individuals, the unborn, single mothers, women who have received abortions, and everyone who passionately disagrees with you on these issues.
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them… But love your enemies, do what is good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High.”
Luke 6:32, 35 (CSB)


Former President Trump was fined $9,000 yesterday for criticizing witnesses or other participants in the hush money trial in online posts. The judge warned of possible jail time if Trump continued to violate a gag order. Trump says the judge is suppressing his free speech, posting online, “I am the only Presidential Candidate in History to be GAGGED.”
Four officers were killed and four others injured while attempting to serve a warrant in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Monday. The suspect, a 39-year-old man wanted for possession of a firearm by a felon, opened fire on the task force upon their arrival. The suspect — who police have confirmed was acting alone — was also killed in the exchange.
More women are delivering babies the Cesarean way. About 1 in 3 U.S. births in 2023 were C-sections — the highest rate since 2013 and well above the WHO’s ideal 10-15%. Experts attribute the rising C levels to sicker patients, financial incentives for hospitals, and pregnancies post-C-section begetting more C-sections. Some see increased doula access as a potential solution. 
Snoop Dogg is barking for joy. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Association is reportedly moving to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I drug (high potential for abuse, like heroin) to a Schedule III drug (moderate to low potential for abuse, like testosterone). Such a shift would recognize the leafy plant’s medical uses but stop short of legalizing recreational use. 
It’s the (backward) circle of life: Disney’s Lion King prequel, Mufasa, is coming to theaters near you in December. Voice actors include Seth Rogan, Donald Glover, Beyoncé, and her daughter Blue Ivy, with music by Lin Manuel Miranda. On the small screen, Peacock said it’s prepping for the Summer Olympics by raising plan prices by $2/month starting in July.


Have you ever seen frost flowers…?



What We’re Gifting
CSB® Bibles*

It’s that time of year again: time to embrace pollen and buy some gifts.

Look alive, people! We’ve got moms, dads, and grads coming up, and CSB has you covered. Whether you're shopping for a parent, a struggling friend, or a graduate bound for kindergarten or college, a new Bible is a gift they’ll use for years to come

Created through the efforts of over 100 scholars from 17 denominations, we love the CSB translation for its accuracy and readability. It’s a balancing act that earned CSB the Global Bible Initiative’s “most optimally balanced” superlative. 

For whomever you’re celebrating and encouraging this season, gift them CSB!

When I was 25, healthy, and financially naive, some schmoozy finance guy smooth-talked me into whole-life insurance. Turns out, it was a bad deal. 

I wish I had known that life insurance only has one job: replace your income if you die. Premiums get more costly as you age (no surprise there), but term life insurance is always more affordable than whole life insurance because it doesn’t try to combine investing with insurance.

Ramsey can help protect you and your kids’ financial futures, and they’ll skip all that puffery and upselling. 

Steph Juliot | Writer

*This is a sponsored post



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