A Veep’s Veep

VP Harris picks Governor Tim Walz as her running mate; the stock market’s worst day in years; violent protests in Bangladesh and the UK; and other top news for Wednesday, August 7th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

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─────── August 7, 2024 ───────

Happy Wednesday!
We’re continuing our series explaining major election topics and candidates’ stances. Today, we’re tackling one of our most requested topics… election integrity.

“Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life.”
Jonathan Edwards



A Veep’s Veep

VP/presidential hopeful Harris announced her VP pick yesterday, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Walz, 60, is a two-term governor who previously served 12 years as a U.S. Representative. Prior to politics, he was a teacher and football coach and is known for bringing free school meals, child tax credits, and paid family medical leave to Minnesota. As governor, he’s faced criticism for responding too slowly to the protests following George Floyd’s murder and his handling of the pandemic.

Walz was a surprise pick; most analysts expected Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro, a popular centrist Democrat from a key swing state. Former President Trump sent an email to supporters following the announcement calling Walz “Dangerously Liberal.”

Harris—who officially became the Democratic nominee Monday through virtual voting—announced her choice online, later introducing him at a Philadelphia rally. 

Whatever the outcome of 2024’s election, the hope of Christians won’t be shaken. Our truest home is God’s kingdom, and he is our ultimate king. Live as exiles here, serving as Christ’s winsome, peace-making ambassadors with your eyes fixed on your heavenly home. 

“For the love of Christ compels us, since we have reached this conclusion, that one died for all, and therefore all died.… He has committed the message of reconciliation to us. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us.”
2 Corinthians 5:14, 19-20 (CSB) (read full passage)



U.S. stocks saw their worst day in nearly two years on Monday.

Major U.S. stock market indexes (Dow Jones, S&P 500, and NASDAQ) all tumbled more than 2.5%, with tech stocks being hit particularly hard.

So why all the drama?

Some investors are worried the Fed is being too slow to cut interest rates and believe last week’s report of rising unemployment is foreshadowing a recession. Others are worried that tech stocks have been overvalued due to AI hype. The panic was heightened by Japanese stocks plummeting 12.4% on Monday––its largest daily drop since 1987––caused in part by concerns over the strengthening Japanese Yen.

In typical stock market fashion… things looked very different just one day later. Yesterday, AKA “Turnaround Tuesday,” Japanese stocks recovered 10%, and U.S. stocks rebounded 1%. 

Too often we let eternally insignificant things like the ups and downs of the market control us. Seeking to steward money well is a good thing, but keep your focus on the Giver rather than the gifts.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ: Though he was rich, for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.”
2 Corinthians 8:9 (CSB) (read full passage)


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In third-party clinical research of participants using ARMRA Colostrum:

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Go to TryARMRA.com and unlock an exclusive offer for 15% off your first order with code TPO.

*Based on 3rd party, dual-arm clinical research of participants taking ARMRA Colostrum™.


International Unrest

Riots are rocking Bangladesh and the U.K.

Last month in Bangladesh, students began peacefully protesting the country’s practice of reserving ~56% of government jobs for certain people groups (families of some veterans, ethnic minorities, disabled, and transgender people). The so-called “Gen Z revolution” prompted Bangladesh’s Supreme Court to drop the quota percentage to 7%, but not before clashes with counter-protesters and police turned deadly. Hundreds were killed, over 11,000 were arrested, schools closed, internet was cut, and curfews were imposed.

Anti-government protests ensued, prompting Prime Minister Hasina to resign and flee to India on Monday. 

Meanwhile in the U.K., a week of widespread “violent disorder” has followed the knife attack that killed three girls. Misinformation online incorrectly claimed the perpetrator was a Muslim asylum-seeker, sparking anti-immigration protests, counterprotests, and over 400 arrests.


It’s easy to become angry and indignant over world events, but much more difficult to live with the tension of desiring change while simultaneously loving everyone involved. Followers of Christ are called to live in that tension, loving the very people they work against.

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.”
Luke 6:32 (CSB) (read full passage)


Do not pass Go, Google. In a landmark decision, a federal judge ruled Google has illegally maintained a monopoly, citing the tech giant’s arrangements to be the default search engine on nearly every phone and computer. Google, which may eventually be forced to sell part of its business, plans to appeal, saying it achieved dominance by offering “the best search engine.”

Hurricane Debby has been quite the downer. The slow-moving storm made landfall as a Category 1, dumping a month's worth of rain on Florida and forcing treacherous evacuations. At least five people have died. Debby has weakened to a tropical storm but is expected to drop 30 inches of rain on coastal South Carolina and Georgia this week.

Five U.S. troops were wounded in a suspected rocket attack on a base in Iraq Monday. The attack, which Pentagon leaders called “a dangerous escalation,” may be related to Iran’s promise to avenge the top Hamas leader killed in Tehran last Wednesday. Israel hasn't taken responsibility for the assassination but is bracing for Iran’s retaliation.

Simone Biles bid adieu to Paris with silver on floor, with teammate Jordan Chiles landing a dramatic bronze. Cole Hocker ran to 1500m gold (and an Olympic record); the USWNT is headed to the gold medal match; and LeBron and Co. are “Final Four” bound. Meanwhile, 9,751 miles away in French Polynesia’s Tahiti, American Caroline Marks surfed to gold

Deadpool and Wolverine are continuing their run as super-est anti-hero and top dog at the box office. The latest star-studded release from Marvel is leading the pack as the highest-grossing domestic R-rated film of all time. Deadpool & Wolverine enjoyed the second biggest opening so far this year, topped only by the beloved cast of emotions in Disney-Pixar’s Inside Out 2.


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Where We’re Donating
Prison Fellowship*

Crime shatters families… but Prison Fellowship has been restoring lives to Christ and caring for the children of incarcerated parents for nearly 50 years.

Right now, they need Bibles.

Nothing provides hope like the living Word of God. Bibles and Christian resources are often the only way to get hope behind prison bars and into shattered homes. We’re asking the TPO Community to step up and fill this need; we’re matching the first $1,000 given through our link

Thank you for remembering those in prison.

How We’re Getting Off the Phish Hook
With Incogni*

“Hey Sarah, wanna grab coffee?” Have you ever received a sus text like this? You’re not alone. The FTC says 2.6 million people were victims of fraud last year.

Scams are mostly just a nuisance… but they’re also getting better and may eventually trick you. Take the target off your back with Incogni. Incogni wipes your data (name, SSN, address, contact details, shopping habits, and even medical records) from the web to reduce spam, scams, fraud, and identity theft and keep you safe. 

Incogni is offering TPO readers a spam-busting 55% off with coupon code TPO55. Have your personal data deleted from the internet today.

*This is a sponsored post



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